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News & Research
06 T6.2024
News & Research
Sustainable Productions: More than just enterprises responsibility

There are increasingly strict regulations from export markets and brands on greening production and supply chains, as well as sustainable development criteria. This forces Vietnamese textile and garment enterprises to improve their greening process more strongly. Going green is not only the responsibility of each business; the entire industry needs to participate to create a green business community and build a sustainable supply chain image in the eyes of consumers and international buyers.

06 T6.2024
News & Research
Green Shift: The Industry’s Eco Revolution

In the heart of the Midwest, a factory has emblazoned its mission statement, “Treat nature as a guest,” on its sign - symbolizing a profound shift in environmental responsibility among manufacturers. This marks a significant revolution in their mindset. Beyond merely enhancing efficiency, the factory is now dedicated to balancing operational performance with environmental stewardship, fostering sustainable relationships with the local community.

05 T6.2024
News & Research
Sustainable Shift: Navigating the Green Path for Vietnamese Businesses

Promoting green and sustainable business practices presents both opportunities and challenges, according to enterprises. The Vietnamese business community is increasingly recognizing the crucial importance of adopting sustainable practices.

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